Senin, 03 Oktober 2011

Wrong Costumes

A year ago, my friend and I joined the Calendar Girl Audition in a radio station outside our town. We heard about this audition from our neighbor a week before.
At first, we were very nervous. This was because it was our first time to join such an audition. We got there by bus. It took 2 hours to get there. When we arrived, we saw many people who also the contest. After we examined more carefully, we been realized that all of the contestants wore red and white costumes. Then, we asked the committee why the contestants were in red and white. The committee told us that it was the major requirement to join the contest. Meanwhile, my friend and I wore the wrong costumes. I prepared a long blue gown, while my friend prepared a colorful gown. We were very desperate because we did not join the audition.
After that, we went home sadly.

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