Kamis, 24 November 2011

Putus Asa...

Hei... udah lama nggak posting. Kali ini gue cuman mau curhat+sharing pengalaman gue di SMA.
Gila bener, udah mau UAS I !!! Rasanya cepet banget di semester 1. Rasanya baru kemaren ketemu temen baru, MOS bareng-bareng, ribut bareng….. eh, malah sekarang udah mau UAS !

Ngomong-ngomong soal UAS, gue jadi bingung sendiri. Mau gimana nasib gue nanti ??? orang ulangan matematika sama fisika aja remidi terus. Nggak bisa diandelin buat masuk IPA. Kalo lagi diterangin pelajarannya emang  maksud, tapi kalo udah ganti soal….ambruk lagi deh otak gue !. Mau les ke guru, tapi kayaknya udah telat deh, masa baru les, padahal UAS diadain 5 hari lagi ! Busyet deh….
Ulangan matematika sama fisika aja tiap ulangan berusaha keras banget. Berusaha belajar… nggak terlalu bisa diandelin. Berusaha nyontek, tetep aja nggak bisa. Udah nyonteknya sambil gemetaran lagi. Emang bukan bakat gue nyontek kali ya.…??? tapi nggak cuma gue yang bernasib apes bin sial kayak gini. Banyak temen-temen gue juga ngalamin hal kayak gini. Mereka juga kalo lagi nongkrong bareng sering ngeluh hal yang sama. Sampe temen gue yang perfeksionis aja, si Nugroho, udah kewalahan buat menyikapi hal ini. Eh, tapi ada juga temen gue yang enteng-enteng aja, kayak si Ryan MPS tuh. Tapi kalo dipikir-pikir (buat yang mau mikir sama yang punya pikiran), temen-temen gue yang dikelas laen juga sama nasibnya. Kayaknya gara-gara gurunya yang kebangeten kalo buat soal deh. Yang diajarin A, yang keluar di soal Z. Jauh banget kan tuh….???

Masalah nggak cuma sampe sini, masih ada masalah laen yang menggerumuti (bahasa mana tuh??) atau menyelubungi, atau apa deh terserah mau dibilang apa, dihidup gue. Nah, salah satunya tuh mantan pacar gue. Haaaaaaahhhhhh……. Kalo ingeet dia, rasanya tuh kayak seneng banget, tapi kalo dipikr-pikir, malah masalah gue jadi tambah ruwet. Gini, ceritanya mantan pacar gue tuh, masih kontak sama gue. Sering smsan lah, telponan lah dan lain-lain. Nah suatu saat… (ceile, bahasanya kaya lagi nulis prosa) hape gue tuh rusak. Layarnya redup, makin lama malah mati kayak orang kekurangan darah :DD. Permasalahan bermula dari sini, gue jadi nggak pernah sms dia lagi. Mau sms gimana? Orang nggak punya hape. Eh, udah kira-kira seminggu nggak gue sms, dia cerita, kalo dia udah ditembak cowok laen. Aduh…tragis banget masib gue… :”(. Nah, denger berita gitu, gue udah ngerelain tu dah mantan gue diembat cowok laen. Eh, tapi tunggu dulu, ternyata waktu ditembak, tuh cowok ditolak mentah-mentah(tapi nggak mateng-mateng juga). Tapi gue udah terlanjur nggak pernah kontak sama mantan gue lagi, sampe sekarang. Jadi kata temen gue, si Sarah, mantan gue tuh masih suka sama gue. Cieee…cieee…. Tapi yang namanya udah terlanjur, ya udah, gue lagi nggak mikirin dia lagi, soalnya gue mau fokus dulu ke U-A-S !!! tuh kan jadi inget UAS lagi. Lagian mantan gue juga tahun depan mau ujian (maklum, gue pacaran sama adik kelas :D). haduh... rasanya udah lemes seluruh jiwa dan ragaku. Lebay.....
Nah, sekarang balik ke masalah UAS. Udah mau UAS, tapi kok gue masih sering ngeluyur ya?? Bukan ngeluyur yang negatif, tapi maen-maen ketempat mbah gue tercinta. Apalagi ditambah sering maen ke warnet buat ngambil motor gue yang dibawa kakak gue si Sorbi, eh Sobri buat jaga warnet (gue sekalian mampir aja buat maen :D). Oleh karena itu, gue jadi mikir, kenapa gue nggak belajar pake e-book aja ya?? Pinter kan gue….Nah, sekarang gue mau share buku-buku e-book yang biasa gue baca buat belajar di warnet nih.

nah temen-temen buak aja tuh link nya, di download terus di baca... bisa ndownload apa nggak??? kalo nggak tanya tuh tukang jaga warnetnya (Kakakku Sobri :D)....

Senin, 03 Oktober 2011

Remembering Kevyn

I had the great honor of being able to call Kevyn Aucoin, my friend. He was just not only a magnificent artist, but more important, a magnificent human being. My older sister, Liza Minnelli, introduced us in 1991. We instantly hot it off.
                Kevyn did my make-up for photo shoots with my sister and for the 1993 Tony Awards. But I will always remember the day we spent together in my bathroom. Kevyn taught me how to do my own make-up. He told me to stop plucking my eyebrows every five minutes and, as we were finishing, he made a list of what we used. I asked him to come to Bloomingdale’s with me, fully expecting him to say “No”, but he said he’d love to and off we went. By 6.30 p.m., we had shopped our brains out and laughed so much that we were exhausted. I got into a cab and kissed him good-bye,
                Over the years, I’d also buy Allure every month to read his column. His work has truly made make-up as important as fashion.
                Spending time with Kevyn was like being hugged. He was an angel and all of us who knew him were lucky.

Wrong Costumes

A year ago, my friend and I joined the Calendar Girl Audition in a radio station outside our town. We heard about this audition from our neighbor a week before.
At first, we were very nervous. This was because it was our first time to join such an audition. We got there by bus. It took 2 hours to get there. When we arrived, we saw many people who also the contest. After we examined more carefully, we been realized that all of the contestants wore red and white costumes. Then, we asked the committee why the contestants were in red and white. The committee told us that it was the major requirement to join the contest. Meanwhile, my friend and I wore the wrong costumes. I prepared a long blue gown, while my friend prepared a colorful gown. We were very desperate because we did not join the audition.
After that, we went home sadly.

Painting the Hall

One morning, one of the Witch’s friends came over to visit. When she looked around the room, she said, “Your house is ugly. My house is more beautiful than yours, and the walls are brighter.” The Witch was very angry when she heard this and she shouted, “Get out of my house! And don’t ever come back here!”
       After his friend left, the Witch looked around her house and she said to herself, “My friend was right. My house looks ugly and the paint is faded. I have to repaint it.” Then she went to the shop and bought a can of paint.
      After lunch she started to paint, and she worked very carefully. In the afternoon she finished the lower part of her house. When she wanted to start painting the upper part she found out that she couldn’t reach it. Then she got an idea. “I will use my magic broom!” she shouted. “Broom, oh my broom, turn into a paint and paint my walls!”
      Suddenly the broom turned into a paint brush and it started to paint the upper walls. It worked very fast, and in ten minutes all the job was done. The Witch was very happy.

An Excursion to the Botanical Garden

On Thursday 24 April we went to the Botanical Garden. We walked down and boarded the bus.
After we arrived at the garden, we walked down to the Education Centre. The third grade students went to have alook around. First, we went to the first farm and Mrs. James read us some information. Then, we looked at all the lovely plants. After that we went down to a little spot on the Botanical Garden and had a morning tea break.
Next, we did sketching and then we met the fourth grade students at the Education Centre to have lunch. Soon after that, it was time for us to go and make our terrariums while the fourth year students went to have a walk.
A lady took us into a special room and introduced herself. Then she explained what we were going to do. Next, she took us to a pyramid terrarium. It was really interesting.
After we had finished, we met the fourth grade students outside the gardens. Then we reboarded the bus and returned to school.

Rabu, 28 September 2011

Recount Text

My Rush Time as a Journalist
I usually woke up at eight o'clock a.m. and went to the Press Center to check the daily schedule of briefings and press conferences. It was usually held by the United Nation officials or disaster mitigation team.
It was challenging to visit different refugee camps to find soft stories, human interest stories. After that I went back to the Press Center to cover the press conferences of the day.
It was heart breaking when I saw these survivors fight for food and secondhand clothing. Unfortunately as they said, the food and clothing were limited and inadequate. Emerging to glaring, fool noon, it was time to go back to Press Center to write stories and race against time. I was always fearing that the internet would come crushing down.
After everything was done, only then I remembered to eat. Most times, I only ate once a day because I always had to rush and again it was difficult to find food. I had to travel quite far. I needed to spend a 30 to 45 minutes by car just to find fresh food.

 Visit to Bali

There were so many places to see in Bali that my friend decided to join the tours to see as much as possible. My friend stayed in Kuta on arrival. He spent the first three days swimming and surfing on Kuta beach. He visited some tour agents and selected two tours. The first one was to Singaraja, the second was to Ubud.
On the day of the tour, he was ready. My friend and his group drove on through mountains. Singaraja is a city of about 90 thousands people. It is a busy but quiet town. The street are lined with trees and there are many old Dutch houses. Then they returned very late in the evening to Kuta.
The second tour to Ubud was a very different tour. It was not to see the scenery but to see the art and the craft of the island. The first stop was at Batubulan, a center of stone sculpture. There my friend watched young boys were carving away at big blocks of stone. The next stop was Celuk, a center for silversmiths and goldensmiths. After that he stopped a little while for lunch at Sukawati and on to mass. Mass is a tourist center
My friend ten-day-stay ended very quickly beside his two tour, all his day was spent on the beach. He went sailing or surfboarding every day. He was quiet satisfied.

Example of Recount

Read the passage
One day I was setting in the local library, I started to read a medical encyclopedia that was lying on the table in front of me. The first illness I read about was cholera. As I read the list of symptoms, it occurred to me that perhaps I had cholera myself. I sat for a while, too frightened to move.
Then, in a kind of dream, I started to turn the pages of the book again. I came to malaria. Yes, there was no doubt about it – I had malaria too. And I certainly had hepatitis. And yellow fever. And so it went on. I read through the whole book, and by the end I came to the conclusion that I had every illness. There was only one illness I didn’t have – and that was housemaid’s knee.
I sat and thought, and I became more and more worried. I wondered how long I had to live. I examined myself. I felt my pulse. At first, I couldn’t find it at all; then, suddenly it seems start off. I looked at my watch to time it – it was beating 147 times a minute. I tried to feel my heart. I couldn’t feel it. It wasn’t beating. I stuck my tongue out and tried to look at it. I could only see the end of it, but from that I was even more certain than before that I had yellow fever.
I went straight to my doctor, who was a good friend of mine. “What’s the matter with you?” he asked. “I have every illness in the medical encyclopedia.” I told him how I read the medical encyclopedia. Then he opened my mouth and looked at my tongue, and he felt mu pulse, and he listened to my heart. Then he sat down and wrote a prescription. It said:
  • 3 good meals every day
  • A two-mile walk every day morning
  • Be in bed at 11 o’clock every night
  • Don’t read medical books!
I followed the doctor’s instructions, and I am happy to say that I now feel quite well again.
(Adapted from Three Men in a Boat by Jerome K. Jerome , first published in 1889)
 Answer the questions
  1. Where this person reading?
  2. What was the first illness he thought he had?
  3. What book was he reading?
  4. What was the illness that he did not have?
  5. How did he check himself?
  6. What was the doctor’s advice?
  7. What do you think of being your own doctor?
  8. Have you met people who worry too much about their health?
  9. Have you met people who do not worry about their health?

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